Welcome to the D.C. Public School SmartFindExpress Absence/Substitute Teacher System.
FOR FIRST TIME USERS ONLY: To register, please note your User ID is your DCPS Employee ID (do not include the first three zeros).
For example, enter 12345 if your DCPS employee ID is 00012345
OR 123456 if your employee is 00123456.
Please use the following instructions to register for the system:
1. Call 202-499-4878
2. Enter the last 5-digits
OR 6-digits of your employee ID as your access ID
3. Press * (star)
4. Enter the last 6-digits of your employee ID again as your pin number
5. Follow the prompts to register
Please securely record your alphanumeric password, if you should forget, please use the "forgot password" button on the main login page.
Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions via email at substitute.dcps@k12.dc.gov.